Lactoral Gum

Lactoral Gum

LACTORAL GUMGomme per la Salute Dragées di gomma da masticare senza zucchero da 1,7 gConfezione contenente 1 blister con 10 gomme da masticare Integratore alimentare con Lattoferrina, oli essenziali di Rosmarino e Limone, utili per mantenere una buona igiene orale in...

Sgl 03

Sgl 03

SGL 03Gomme per la Salute Dragées di gomma da masticare senza zucchero da 1,1 gConfezione contenente 1 blister con 10 gomme da masticare Integratore alimentare probiotico con L. salivarius SGL03 in gomma da masticare.L. salivarius è un batterio lattico che potrebbe...

No Stress Gum

No Stress Gum

NO STRESS GUMPERFORMANCE GUMS Dragées di gomma da masticare senza zucchero da 1,7 g  Confezione contenente 1 blister con 10 gomme da masticare. Integratore alimentare con L-Triptofano ed estratti vegetali di Melissa e Scutellaria, utili in caso di ridotto apporto...

Maxi White Gum

Maxi White Gum

MAXI WHITE GUMGomme per la Salute e le Performance Dragées di gomma da masticare senza zucchero da 1,6 gConfezione contenente 1 blister con 10 gomme da masticare. Integratore alimentare con Ossido di Magnesio, Perossido di Magnesio e batteri lattici L. plantarum (SGL...

Energy Gum

Energy Gum

ENERGY GUMGomme per le Performance Gomme da masticare senza zucchero da 2 gConfezione con 1 blister da 10 gomme da masticare. Le gomme energetiche sono un integratore alimentare contenente caffeina. Il consumo di caffeina può risvegliare il cervello, migliorare la...

Boost Immuno Gum

Boost Immuno Gum

BOOST IMMUNO GUMVITAMIN GUMS Sugar-free chewing gum dragées of 2 gBox containing 1 blister pack with 10 chewing gums. Food supplement with Echinacea Angustifolia plant extract, Zinc and non-viable probiotics useful in case of reduced dietary intake or increased...

Ace Family Gum

Ace Family Gum

ACE FAMILY GUMVITAMIN GUMS Sugar-free chewing gum dragées of 1,7 gBox containing 1 blister pack with 10 chewing gums. Dietary supplement of Vitamins A, C and E useful in cases of reduced dietary intake or increased nutritional requirements. Vitamins C and E help...

New Folic Gum

New Folic Gum

NEW FOLIC GUMVITAMIN GUMS Sugar-free chewing gum dragées of 1 gBox containing 2 blister pack with 15 chewing gums. Dietary supplement of Folic acid recommended in case of reduced dietary intake or increased nutritional requirements.Folic acid contributes to maternal...

Anti Ageing Gum

Anti Ageing Gum

ANTI AGEING GUMWELLNESS GUMS Sugar-free chewing gum dragées of 1,7 gBox containing 1 blister pack with 10 chewing gums. Dietary supplement of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Resveratrol and Coenzyme Q10 useful in case of reduced dietary intake or increased nutritional...

Diet Plan Gum

Diet Plan Gum

Diet Plan GumWELLNESS GUMS Sugar-free chewing gum dragées of 1,7 gBox containing 1 blister pack with 10 chewing gums. Dietary supplement with plant extracts of bitter orange, Garcinia, Gymnema, Griphonia and Bitter Orange useful in cases of reduced dietary intake or...

Omega Gum

Omega Gum

OMEGA GUMWELLNESS GUMS Sugar-free chewing gum of 2 gBox with 1 blister pack of  8 chewing gums. Dietary supplement of Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA). EPA and DHA contribute to the normal cardiac function, the maintenance of the normal vision and normal brain...

Body Drain Gum

Body Drain Gum

BODY DRAIN GUMWELLNESS GUMS Sugar-free chewing gum dragées of 1,7 gBox containing 1 blister pack with 10 chewing gums. Dietary supplement with Bromelain and plant extracts of Green tea and Orthosiphon useful in cases of reduced dietary intake or increased nutritional...